It is our contention that every ministry must articulate its mission in some type of statement if its people are to know and understand their overall goal. Therefore, the following statement will unequivocally represent our task:
This statement lays the philosophical foundation for establishment and continuing ministry of the Light of the World Church of Christ. It articulates our view of the unique role God has called us to fulfill in the world, as expressed in our purpose and our principles. We believe by clearly identifying things, we will be better equipped to fulfill the ministry God has given to us.
To build a community (city-ultimately) of God by planting culturally-relevant churches every three years that are committed to dynamic worship of God, while extending Christ’s transforming grace to reach the un-churched community.
To reach (convert) 10,000 un-churched people in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex.
To revitalize and economically develop the community where the church is located.
To create an oasis of love for the hurt, harmed and harassed of society.
To build a multi-purpose center that can be used to minister to a person’s spiritual, emotional, physical, social, intellectual and economic needs.
To build affordable housing for elderly people, low-income families and the physically challenged.
To develop a counseling center where people can receive spiritual and professional guidance.
To create a learning center where those who are called to ministry (ministers, missionaries, church renewalists and church planters) can learn the most effective techniques to fulfill their call.
To create a music ministry that is both edifying and evangelistic, and is designed to strengthen, comfort and encourage the body of Christ and the community by offering music programs and other choral ministries.
To move the body of Christ toward community, spiritual maturity, and full participation in the life of the church.